
The MSG employs 98 support staff (93.15 FTE) of which 77 are full time and 21 part time. This includes senior management, surgical assistants, nurses, audiologists and administration staff supporting the directorate structure as well as in finance, IT, corporate and clinical governance, Human Resources, facilities, medical records, reception and typing.


2020; a challenging though insightful year for all personnel at the MSG. Maintaining a high-quality secondary healthcare service in the face of a pandemic is no small feat, but the clinicians and administration staff of the MSG worked cohesively to achieve just that, which meant all patients continued to receive a good level of care whilst we faced an island-wide lockdown.

The majority of staff were forced to quickly adapt to a new workplace at home, though special thanks must be given to those who continued to work on the premises in a tightly controlled environment during the lockdown period.

At year end the MSG employed 100 support staff (92.54 FTE) of which 79 are full time and 21 part time. This includes senior management, surgical assistants, nurses, audiologists and administration staff supporting the directorate structure as well as in finance, IT, corporate and clinical governance, human resources, facilities, medical records, reception and typing.

A stringent process is in place to ensure that the MSG recruits and retains Consultants and administrative staff of the highest possible calibre.

During the year 6 new Consultants were appointed to the MSG; namely, Dr Michelle Le Cheminant, Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Tom Saunders, Consultant Physician & Geriatrician, Dr Gopinath Rao, Consultant Paediatrician and Dr Kalaivani Ramalingam, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Dr Kate Allen, Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology and Dr Mohammed Butt, Consultant Oncologist.

A successful recruitment process in December 2020 will see two Consultant Anaesthetists join the Group in 2021. One is a new incumbent primarily to facilitate an increase in daytime emergency anaesthetic provision, whilst the other is to replace a retiring Consultant Anaesthetist in July 2021. It is expected that the new Consultants will start with the MSG on 1st April 2021 and 1st July 2021 respectively.

All MSG Consultants undergo annual appraisals by senior MSG or Southampton Hospital personnel and also undertake a ‘360 degree appraisal’ (assessment by staff and patients) every five years. Their performance is periodically reviewed by a duly appointed Responsible Officer (currently HSC’s Medical Director Dr Peter Rabey), while they must also maintain a programme of Continuous Professional Development – keeping themselves up to date with new and developing methods of delivering healthcare within their particular specialty.

The MSG employs locum doctors to cover absence of permanent Consultants (training, leave, illness, sabbatical) and similar high standards are required.

Locum activity was down on previous years primarily because of Covid-19 related travel restrictions. Across all specialties, 12 locums were appointed during 2020 for cover of absence or to provide cover for a vacant position.

2020 was a milestone year for several of the managerial and support staff who all play a part in the smooth day to day management of the Group. Notably, Marc Le Page; IT & Facilities Manager, Cathy Wakely; Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioner and Andrea Bewey; Receptionist all accruing 10 years of service during 2020.

Louise Walster; Quality Manager and Lara Coulson; Chief Clinical Officer reached 15, and 20 years of service respectively, whilst Yvette Taylor; Personal Assistant and Paula Le Poidevin; Outpatient nurse both achieved an honourable 25 years of service with the MSG.

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